Thursday, November 5, 2015

5 Movie facts

James Can improvised the, now immortal and popular phrase “Bada-Bing” on the set of “The Godfather”
While horsing around on the set of “The Hunger Games”, Jennifer Lawrence accidentally kicked Josh Hutcherson in the head, knocking him out and resulting in a concussion.
For the movie “The Devil wears Prada” Helen Mirren and Kim Basinger were originally considered for the role of Miranda Priestly, a role which was finally played by Meryl Streep.
Tommy Lee Jones hates clothing labels. During production of Men In Black 2, his publicist assembled the entire crew and told them to get rid of all t-shirts and any visible clothing labels, because if Jones saw them he would walk off the set.

This is the first film in the series not ot be directed by Jon Favreau, who turned down the offer for Iron Man 3 in order to direct Magic Kingdom and Jersey Boys. He later admitted tha not directing allowed him to have more fun with his character Happy Hogan, saying that he was like “a proud grandfather who doesn’t have to change the diapers but gets to play with the baby.”

source: quickmoviefacts

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